all postcodes in PO20 / CHICHESTER

find any address or company within the PO20 postcode district

Postcode Area

PO / Portsmouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PO20 1AA 4 0 50.814976 -0.752156
PO20 1AB 5 0 50.813464 -0.756256
PO20 1AH 3 0 50.811453 -0.772718
PO20 1AJ 10 0 50.807795 -0.775496
PO20 1AL 2 0 50.808967 -0.779236
PO20 1AN 7 0 50.808737 -0.779559
PO20 1AP 9 0 50.808102 -0.781591
PO20 1AR 2 0 50.807823 -0.780855
PO20 1AS 11 0 50.807352 -0.781284
PO20 1AT 2 0 50.80696 -0.781758
PO20 1AU 20 3 50.804873 -0.78325
PO20 1AW 7 1 50.808113 -0.780072
PO20 1AX 6 1 50.796683 -0.777518
PO20 1BA 1 0 50.800258 -0.789146
PO20 1BD 6 0 50.80759 -0.781784
PO20 1BE 1 0 50.821582 -0.73094
PO20 1DY 4 0 50.823159 -0.728725
PO20 1DZ 4 0 50.82062 -0.73179
PO20 1EA 1 1 50.818768 -0.730974
PO20 1EB 3 0 50.818502 -0.731364